hello and welcome!
who is behind well rounded you?
My name is Claire and I run this website with my finace, Travis. We are twenty-somethings working full-time as an engineer and personal trainer. It has always been very important to us to stay busy with everything life has to offer outside of work.
why are we passionate about time management?
For me, this really started playing a part when I started working toward my masters degree in engineering. I was working two side jobs, going to school full-time and still making time for a life outside of working and studying. Since this was so important to me, I made it happen and was constantly asked how I do it all by my classmates, coworkers and friends.
Now, continuing to practice time management skills allows Travis and I to be able to prioritize our relationship, relationships with other friends and family as well as time for ourselves. We love to get outside and run, mountain bike, or throw the frisbee around at the park. We have found that when we make good use of the time outside of work we feel more refreshed to return to work.
prioritizing your life outside of work will actually improve the quality of your work!
why did we create well rounded you?
We continue to get asked how we are able to fit so much into our days, so we wanted to share our time management skills online in an effort to help as many people as possible. In addition to articles to help with time management, Claire offers online personal training.
click here to work with Claire!